Notes on the Vassal Module for Guidon Games' Atlanta The original game used substitution counters to represent step losses. The module builds step losses into the units themselves. Select a unit and press Ctrl-DownArrow to lose a step; press Ctrl-UpArrow to gain one. The Order of Battle displays are no longer necessary as a way to track losses, but the module includes them as charts for reference. The Combat Orders cards are located in each player's hand, accessible from the button bar. Hands are side-restricted to the owner and the Solitaire player. All markers stack normally with combat units, but bridge and railroad breaks have a green border so that they will be easier to notice. You can also leave them unrotated as a way to make them stand out. UNIT COMMAND MENU * Mask (Ctrl-M) - Per Advanced Rule B, mask the counter so that its facing and movement allowance will not be known to the enemy player. Press again to unmask. Only the owner and the Solitaire player can mask a unit. For more details on masking, see Note that the pre-defined situation setups do not have units already masked. * Movement Trail (Ctrl-T) - Toggle the trail on or off. * Rotate Right (Ctrl-RightArrow) - Change facing to the right. * Rotate Left (Ctrl-LeftArrow) - Change facing to the left. * Subtract Step (Ctrl-DownArrow) - Reduce the unit by one step. * Add Step (Ctrl-UpArrow) - Augment the unit by one step. * Delete (Ctrl-X) - Delete the piece.