Commands & Colors: Napoleonics (Standard format) Version 4 Change Log Version 4.1.15 (Module Checksum: e4ddad41) [UX] Help menu offers scenario and improved support links [UX] Solitaire mode swaps hands automatically. [fix] Reset Board (Scenario Build) toolbar menu command no longer displays a redundant warning. [fix] Minor fixes to scenarios P403, P417, R202, M504 & KB02. [UX] Alternative Scenarios JH01v2 & KB02v2 by Mark McGilchrist added. [fix] Scenarios BH02 revised in line with scenario database. [UX] Scenario PD04 modified to use Rugged Hills in place of "impassable Woods", for alignment with in-game Player Aid. [UI] Mother Russia commands renamed Paper Strength / Normal Strength. [fix] Frozen lake Infantry Out malus added (in-game player aid). [fix] Battalion Mass drew an extra counter if pre-configured. [fix] Spanish Light Cavalry hover-text player aid retreat distance corrected. [UI] Hotkeys added for new or closed logfile and debug window. Version 4.1.14 (Module Checksum: a97587ce) [fix] In-game player aids operate in Special window too. Version 4.1.13 (Module Checksum: 477d1279) [fix] Player aid icon / text default was failing through to "Icons", should be "Text". This fix will benefit new installs and updates of v4.1.10 and prior. Others continue to default to "Icons" until the setting is changed manually (Icons setting may cause Player Aid formatting issues, especially on Windows). [fix] Scenario BH10 R-LT replaced with R-LN. [fix] Catalog sides correction (FG01) [fix] Remove obsolete & broken hints mouseover from Special Window. Version 4.1.12 (Module Checksum: d042f003) [fix] Elan end turn buttons ineffective since v4.1.10. [fix] Player aid icon / text choice was affecting all players. Now acts as personal setting only. [UI] Discard options were insufficiently discoverable in Player Hands. Now promoted to own menus. [UX] Terrain basic mouseover rationalised; zoomed tile only shows when actual tile is underneath, tile name always shows. Version 4.1.11 (Module Checksum: 5df68705) [fix] Text options spelling error Version 4.1.10 (Module Checksum: 7c334b17) [UX] Artillery basic movement / no battle rule is applied. [UX] In-game unit & terrain player aids (configurable option). [fix] Edges of terrain pieces now respond to mouse-over. [UI] Alternative hotkeys (MacOS conformant, but available to other OS via Meta key). [fix] Terrain chart correction (marsh impassable to Artillery). [fix] Scenario GG0: Card draw button menu re-enabled. [UX] New scenario MM12 - Campo Maior, 1801. [UX] Help...Rules now links to official rule book. [fix] Scenario catalog: Corunna number of banners corrected (6). [UI] Remove redundant user preference "Scenario Build Mode" [fix] Frozen lakes restored in scenarios R204-R207, PS01 & PS04. Version 4.1.9 (Module Checksum: f89b58d1) [fix] Initial card draw buttons compatible with Vassal v3.6.15 Toolbar Menu controls. [fix] Solitaire click to Play always discards as well. [fix] Prevent multiple card draw sounds when second player's initial draw is deferred (e.g. PBEM). [fix] Dice Tray - removed debug mouseover. [fix] Scenario Chooser stats load faster (URL no longer needs re-direction). [fix] Simple end-turn hotkey now works for French side too (F12 to Draw & End when hand is open). [UI] Click-o-Matic no longer requires two clicks to place first combat marker. [fix] Chat message was failing to log when a Victory Banner is removed. Version 4.1.8 (Module Checksum: 805891c0) [fix] Scenario Chooser - add date to GG00. [fix] Scenario Chooser - date field can now be fully viewed. [fix] Card manifest security fix (Square track). Version 4.1.7 (Module Checksum: f64449d2) [fix] Restore backward compatibility for Leader Check dice control. Version 4.1.6 (Module Checksum: ac82f327) [UX] Single click for context menu is limited to combat marker, so now works with Leader Check. [UX] Card manifest includes card status (private information not revealed). [UX] Initial draw will disable its parent menu button. [UX] New scenario (MM16 - Valutino Gora) [UI] New feature: Scenario Chooser. [UI] Leader Check menu command restored. [UI] Improved Leader Unit Reform dice widget - clickable context menu, separate from click to roll dice. [UI] Overhaul LCC widget (more robust handling of edge cases such as duplicate widgets). [UI] Initial card draw is one-time only but is not disabled when the other player plays a card. [fix] Normal Scout action drawing only 1 card for one or other side. [fix] Removed a command restriction that interfered with Click-o-Matic placing combat markers on stacked leader/units. [fix] Card manifest will work under Vassal v3.6.12+ [fix] Mouse-over optimisations. Note: Hover over underlying terrain to view the terrain; until a Vassal bug is fixed, this needs to be close in to any overlying piece. [fix] Remove spurious command on French R flank marker. [fix] Scenario WO02 corrections. [fix] Scenario MB01 now allows Solitaire role. [fix] (internal) Dice tray piece needed numbering back to original setting (1922 back to 332). Converted R201, FG01, BH05, & BH09. Version 4.1.5 (Module Checksum: d2ff6684) [UX] Welcome message and a new tip advise on setting for JVM maximum heap. [UX] New module install defaults to game clocks enabled when creating a game. [UX] Mouseover popup messages advise of card click actions. [UX] Avoid mouseover conflicts when a card overlays other pieces on main board. [UI] Solitaire combat hotkeys now apply as active player (swapped from previous versions). Version 4.1.4 (Module Checksum: 18cfd2c5) [fix] Scenario R201 - correct alignment of a mis-aligned fieldworks hex; add initial banner & Mother Russia counters. [fix] Scenario FG01 - removed incorrect initial banners. [UX] More Napoleon quotes. Update a couple of tips. Version 4.1.3 (Module Checksum: 2ac36f0c) [fix] Suppress spurious mouseover activations. [fix] Repair combat "battled" automation (not working reliably in v4.1.2). [fix] Target command should be available on passive side leader after LC1. Version 4.1.2 (Module Checksum: 6a61dd5f) [UX] Version protection removed; instead users get a warning direct from Vassal (v3.6.6 onwards). [UX] Welcome messaging rationalised. [UI] Combat markers provide context menu on left-click; Rally is a separate marker. [fix] Scenarios with obsolete dice tray fixed, including scenarios BH05, BH09 & MB01. [fix] Tutorial updated to reflect removal of CtrlH hotkey. [opt] (internal) prefRestrictOff not used - removed two references. [opt] (internal) block action buttons consolidated and auto-sized. Version 4.1.1 (Module Checksum: 3eaba878) [UX] Player Aids re-organised and re-sized to be small screen friendly. Low resolution and incomplete player aids have been replaced. Hotkeys chart updated. [UX] New player aid: card manifest added. [UX] GG07 (Marengo) updated per designer changes. [UX] Scenario defined banners and counters setup for R206,R208, A307, P401, P414, P420, M512, M514 & FG01. [UX] Card flip sound volume reduced. [UX] Modifier shortcut symbols used for accelerator reminders in tooltips, dropdown menus & on shortcuts help sheet (Ctrl, Alt/Option, Shift & Escape). [UI] Leader check accelerator works for any side. [UX] Combat accelerators discoverable via toolbar button. [UX] Hit/Recover accelerators now have alternate side variants (add Alt/Option modifier), including support for Solitaire use. [UX] Game clock more compact (sits between player hand buttons). [UI] Swap/Retire Sides button restored to toolbar. [UX] Game clock starts automatically for the first player to draw (triggered by use of a Command card Initial Draw button). [fix] Removed a couple of test messages. [fix] Prevent alternate unit command when in square or marked for combat. [fix] Combat hit / rally hotkeys and commands segregated to operate reliably. [fix] Garrison hit sounds when hotkey used to apply the hit. [fix] Scenario save mode working again (bug fix to v4.1.0) [fix] Banner target corrected in M516 (Orthez, Right) [fix] Resolved module compatibility issues with scenarios BH05, BH09 & MB01. * "New Scenario" warning: Victory Banner track does not set up correctly under Vassal v3.6.7. Please use Vassal V3.6.6 to create new scenarios, until Vassal v3.6.8 is released. * * Recommended heap size: 1024Mb (Preferences...General tab) This version is backwards compatible with v4.1.0. Version 4.1.0 (Module Checksum: 87facd69) [UI/UX] Align button controls to C&C Nap Epic v3 (in development). [UX] Switch Release Notes to Version 4.1. [UX] Tip or Quote provided at end turn (user game startup preference). [UX] Additional chat info icons. [UI] Random card discard tools added. [UI] Version protection: advisory banner displays for users of incompatible versions. [fix] Battlefield click transition from ordering to combat more robust [fix] Updates to scenarios B001, M501, CK01, BH05, BH09 and PS02/03 (new). [fix] Other side's Tactician Card (Elan) now dealt with correct ownership. [fix] v3.6 migration & compatibility issues (end turn, VB track etc). [fix] Card inventory vulnerability. This version is not backwards compatible. Version 4.0.6 (Module Checksum: fecaba64) [fix] Mother Russia: Paper Strength store will not delete on a click until game starts. Auto-removed when an initial command draw button is used. [UI/UX] Line of Sight tool now offered as Private or Shared views This version is backwards compatible to v4.0.3 but update is recommended for new games. Version 4.0.5 [fix] Masked card in hand can now be taken over (unmasked) by left-click. [UI/UX] Attacker marker is not embedded on an attacking piece when it takes ground. [UI/UX] Game tips updated. Text muted (grey not red) This version is backwards compatible to v4.0.3 but update is recommended for new games. Version 4.0.4 [fix] Piece ownership/movement restrictions lifted for observer (aid setup). [fix] Clone and Delete commands are always available until a game is started. Thereafter, pieces must be removed from the main board first. [fix] Scenario set-up mode is enabled automatically for the New Scenario template. [fix] Player name labels now follow changes of side; blank when no player occupies the side. [fix] Converting a Mother Russia to a Cossack unit now places the correct piece. [UI/UX] On selecting deck(s) for a game, a quote will be provided from Napoleon to inspire the players, along with a tip for using the module. Hidden hotkeys Alt+Q and Alt+T will generate another quote or tip respectively. Most quotes sourced from and "The Military Maxims of Napoleon". Napoleon icon from Rodger MacGowan GMT art, used with permission (5 Sep 2020). This version is backwards compatible with v4.0.3 but update is recommended for new games. Version 4.0.3: [UI/UX] Game start card draws are now reported on a single line (e.g. "playerA draws 5 Command Cards") [UI/UX] From the start of a turn, a single Left-Click on an Ordered piece does not add an Attacker marker until a combat marker has already been added to some piece. Two Left-Clicks in succession will add an Attacker marker. [UI/UX] Short Supply provides a special marker to be placed on the target unit. [scenario] Scenario GG02 (Waterloo) updated to latest version. [fix] Scenario GG00 now usable again. [fix] Battalion Mass Command and click-to-place now working. [fix] Reverting a Mother Russia or Conscript unit now places correct piece. [fix] Garrison placement issues fixed. [fix] Command count maintained across play of First Strike (base deck) This version not backwards compatible as the new Short Supply marker will not show for the earlier version. Version 4.0.2: [UI/UX] Combat markers no longer disable the Order command on the underlying piece; when used to Unorder, the command also removes the marker. [UI/UX] Card draw buttons give a warning if deck not configured. [UI/UX] Force end turn option added for PBEM (Other Tools drop-down menu). PBEM section added to release notes. [fix] Player aid charts updated with corrections and clarifications. This version is backwards compatible with v4.0.1 but update is recommended for new games. Version 4.0.1: [UI/UX] Remove disabled counter stores when deck is selected. [scenario buiding] Unofficial Leaders of Honor for custom scenarios, imported from the v3.4 fan extension. [fix] Inactive button & End Turn button alert messages clarified. [fix] Startup messages improved / corrected. [fix] Cards drawn back to hand no longer interfere with checks on card-drawing end turn buttons. [fix] Moving or replacing an Attacker marker no longer affects Target command on current existing target piece. [fix] Spurious bad-data error messages reduced (remaining ones due to a Vassal bug that will be fixed in v3.6). [fix] Leader of Honor pieces used in MD16, MD19, MD20, MD21, MD22. [fix] Paper-Strength units and Conscript markers added in MD19. [fix] Banner track re-formatting for scenarios A315 and ML01. [fix] Scenario B012 - Squares restored [fix] Scenario BH09 corruption fixed. This version is not backwards compatible. Version 4.0.0: Version 4 is intended to operate in ways familiar to v3.4 users, whilst bringing new convenience features, aided by a tutorial. Immediately visible new features include a new Toolbar, self-managing hand windows, re-worked combat markers and graphics in the chat log to display dice results and other information. New features include: * Simplified game set-up. * Game clock option * Game Counter stacks/stores visible on one side or other of the main board. To add counter, click on the counter store before game start or drag a counter from the Markers palette. * Initial card draw can be done from buttons in the hand window, and the hand window is self-organising. * On turn indication. The module uses colour to indicate the current on-turn side; tracking starts from the first card played. * Side icons also display Command size and the number of Tactician Cards held. * Extensive reporting to chat, generally accompanied with suitable icons so chat history can be readily navigated. * A set of End Turn buttons in each hand window serve as reminder and automate all end turn card draws except for First Strike replacement and empty deck checking. * Dice are rolled directly from the main toolbar. Dice icons appear in chat. The dice tray is now optional (hotkey F3). * Optional Clickable actions are enabled by default e.g. ordering pieces or marking combats, playing or discarding a card or playing a counter. In general, these operate for the side expected to take the action but right-click commands are always available. * Leader pieces display most commands that an underlying Unit or Garrison requires, easing use of Attached Leaders. * Upgraded combat markers * Main combat markers remain independent and are now functional pieces; providing commands to apply multiple hits or for target marker to be used to Rally multiple blocks. Other status markers are embedded with the pieces, as pioneered by C&C Ancients. * Combats can be marked up by moving the Attacker and Target markers onto pieces, by clicking on the pieces or by using the traditional right-click commands. A pair of markers are provided to the right of the main board, for player convenience. * To accommodate Combined Arms and Grand Battery there is a new command "Add to Attack" [Alt+A] that appears on ordered Artillery units when an Attack has been declared elsewhere. * An array of Hotkeys are available to speed combat commands and other operations. Combat hotkeys operate on the board without the Attacker or Target piece being selected. * Used attacker pieces & supporting artillery will automatically be set to "no battle" once a new attack is formed. If a new attacker marker has been placed, the old one will be removed. * Square actions can be achieved simply by pressing the square button (in hand) or playing a Battalion Mass counter or "Hasty Square", as appropriate. The square Marker or counter is automatically assigned to the target infantry unit. * Clickable dice will appear for Leader Checks, Leader Unit Reform and the Guerrilla Action counter. The normal dice button works transparently with these also. In both cases, results are applied automatically. * Victory Banner Track. On your side (or Solitaire), click on a track space to add a banner; click on a banner to remove it. Right-click option also available. * Eliminated pieces automatically move to the Victory Banner track; a Square card will automatically be returned. * Scenario set up: Victory Banner track configures by a single click or command on the piece representing the scenario banner target. * One stop shop: most custom scenarios from the v3 extension are now incorporated into the main module (using standard C&C component graphics) * Help menu is populated with many useful links and information. * Player Aids have been reviewed and updated with corrections, along with an updated Shortcuts page. F1 will show or hide the Player Aids. * Optional features can be disabled or enabled from the Preferences, Game Options panel, and some invoked from the Game Options toolbar menu (for the current game only). * Sound is used to provide indication of actions taken. Sound can be disabled in Vassal on a module-by-module basis, on the Preferences...Sounds panel. * Lost block counts (hotkey F10) * Optional "Hints" feature displays unit and terrain information when the mouse is hovered over a piece. If disabled (in Preferences, Game Options), only the underlying terrain and any name leader is displayed. This version is not backwards compatible.