Yahtzee HOT KEYS F1 - Open Scoardcard F2 - Roll Dice Ctrl S - Change Score Ctrl ] - Add a Check Ctrl [ - Remove a check Ctrl R - Reset all checks Getting Started: 1. Press the Scorecard button (F1) and the Roll Dice button (F2) to open the Scorecard and the Dice Rolling screen. 2. Before each turn, press the Reset button in the top right corner of the Dice Rolling screen. This will reset and unlock all dice. 3. Press the Roll Unlocked Dice button to roll the dice. To lock a die, press the lock icon under the dice. The dice will show a red box around it and the lock will change to a 'locked' state. You can unlock a die by pressing the 'locked' icon again. 4. When you have locked all your wanted dice, press the Roll Unlocked Dice button again. 5. Each time you press the Roll Unlocked Dice button, the counter at the bottom of the screen decrements by one. When it reaches zero, choose a box on the Scorecard and enter your score. Right click a box and select the 'Enter Score' command from the menu. Then enter your score in the box and press Enter. 6. It is now the next player's turn. Press the Reset button and start the next turn. 7. If any player rolls two or more Yahtzee's in one game, place a check in the appropriate box by right clicking and selecting Ctrl-] from the menu. Delete a check with Ctrl-[ and Reset all checks with Ctrl-R. Notes: Sometimes the locking buttons do not read your mouse clicks. Try clicking the mouse slower to give the program more time to read the click.