Since there have been several incremental module updates since 5.6.0 here is how to get a good set of logs for the Imperial and Rebel ships: 1) Go to the 5.6.0 module entry and get the Rebel and Imperial zip files and extract the files. 2) Go to the 5.6.2 module and get the Rebel update zip and extract them. Copy/Move those files into the 5.6.0 directory. You can then safely delete the 5.6.0 versions of those files. 3) Go the 5.6.2 module entry and get the Imperial update zip and extract them. Copy/Move all those files except for the TIE FO log into the 5.6.0 directory; it got updated in 5.6.4. You can safely delete the 5.6.0 versions of those files. 4) Go to the 5.6.4 module entry and get the Imperial update zip and extract them. Copy/Move all those files into the 5.6.0 directory. You can safely delete the 5.6.0 versions of those files. So at the end of the process you should have 5.6.0 versions of the following ships: Firespray_31_Imperial Lambda TIE_Advanced TIE_Interceptor TIE_Phantom TIE_Punisher VT-49_Decimator A-Wing E-Wing K-Wing X-Wing Y-Wing_Rebel Z-95_Headhunter_Rebel You should have 5.6.2 versions of the following ships: TIE_Bomber TIE_Defender TIE_Fighter B_Wing HWK_290_Rebel T_70_X-Wing VCX_100_AND_Attack_Shuttle YT-1300 YT-2400 You should have 5.6.4 versions of the following ships: TIE_Advanced_Prototype TIE_FO_Fighter Those files shoule work fine under 5.6.6. If not, then let me know. At some point, probably at the next major module release, I will recreate all the Imperial and Rebel logfiles.