7AgesvB2: Games saved under 7AgesvB1 will not work in 7AgesvB3. Please send comments and problems to mbeninger40@hotmail.com christophjburke@yahoo.com Major Changes: -Placement and arrangement of cards in player's hand improved. -Individual action markers have their own location in player's hand. -Setup file no longer needed. Just select New Game under file to begin playing after loading module. -Added space for action marker on Empire window Minor Changes: -Keyboard Shortcuts CTRL-H Hide/Reveal units on map CTRL-1,2,etc... Toggle player 1,2,etc... hands CTRL-E Toggle Empire window CTRL-D Toggle Draw Deck CTRL-U Toggle Unit window CTRL-T Toggle Glory Track -Center on unit movement disabled by default. Option to enable under preferences -Disabled stacking in empire window -Added Tribute marker -Removed extraneous images from module resulting in smaller file 7AgesvB3: - ... 7AgesvB4: - Added a 16th color (White) for use when playing a 4-player game (this color is a bit unuaual in that its upgraded units has the better combat factors, while its non-upgraded ones have not). *** Note that this color is not prt of the official rules, and should only be used as a house rule *** - Added Numbers 0-9 and a note marker for use during play (e.g. indicate extra glory for Ar leader on empire card, etc.) - Adjusted action markers: When the marker is at its default stacking area on empire board: Move it slightly, so it is no longer in the default stacking area. Then the right-click menu will be available. There are now two flip options: a standard flip allowing any player to reveal the marker, and a ‘locked’ flip which allows only the owner to reveal. So if all players use the regular flip a number of 'flip action markers' log files can be saved at the start of each turn . (And if for some reason a player dislikes this, he can just choose the locked flip) - Along similar lines: Have adjusted things so it is possible to set an option in the main menu: File -> Preferences -> check ‘Opponent can unmask my pieces’ This allows all other players to ‘release ownership’ on all ones cards. Similar to the above, if a game is play on a basis of trust then allowing this can speed things up somewhat, if all players choose that action. However, those who don’t like that can still just leave it unchecked (this is default). Enjoy :). Regards, Nikolaj.