Commands & Colors: Napoleonics (Standard format) Version 5 Change Log - issue numbers refer to Version 5.1.0-beta11 (Module Checksum: 62daa605) 343 Leader Bonus Orders - fix to spurious Order Assist warning. 342 Defender's click on Combat Assist dice responds with default (no) in Square and Retire & Reform situations (reverts #310). 341 Call Forward Reserves now clears all its hex placement markers. 338 Tactician card Action marker entirely overlays the underlying hex. Auto-apply restricted to unique targets only (or Solitaire where possible). 336 Superb Infantry Training should auto-confirm a combat. 335 Banner or other off-board move should not place a no entry icon on the piece. Version 5.1.0-beta10 (Module Checksum: 7ff916c8) 331 Leader escape move improvement. 330 Light Infantry Skirmish should not mark "No Entry" on a unit that has not moved. 329 Individual order screen refresh moved to immediately after unit order-marking action. 328 Consolidated scout action draw card message. 327 Hold the Line Leader previously might cancel combat in a particular game state. 326 Combined Arms artillery dice were ignored after a First Strike. Attacker's post-First Strike combat report now concise. 325 Revised solitaire Escape key effect on hand windows. Version 5.1.0-beta9 (Module Checksum: e8fb09b2) 324 Warning icon reliably removed after section ordering error correction 323 Guerrilla Action play no longer gives a data error. 322 One of the two base deck Recon in Force cards was misconfigured as Scout Left. Fixed & all other command cards re-checked. 320 Counter-attack overlay colours consistent and base deck overlay now aligns with card text. 319 Counter-attack no longer retains card name once next normal command card is played. 318 Combined Arms/Grand Battery dice artillery addition no longer duplicated when a combat is confirmed. Version 5.1.0-beta8 (Module Checksum: f80c86f2) 317 B005 Talavera river restrictions corrected (see FAQ). 315 Prevent a band-selected attached Leader from being ordered via Ctrl+O Menu Command. 314 Fixes to Fieldworks Infantry hill-to-hill dice calculation and other Fieldworks combat issues (inappropriate Cavalry bolster & option icon display). 313 Several Tactician card plays should not be allowed for Squares. 312 R208 fordable stream configured to allow movement. 311 Iron Will should not be offered against a Bounce Flag. 310 Click on combat assist widget (dice) to form square or Retire & Reform (online mode). 309 Point & click mode for Default Action (hand windows, enabled when a Tactician card may be played). 308 Integrate draw deck card drop ability to scenario setup. 307 Terrain mouseovers tidied up (consistent appearance and response). 306 Add Artillery should not bring attached leader to the fore. 305 Leader Orders a Fallback now shows retire icon after battle for Infantry & Artillery as well as Cavalry. 304 Take Command & Force March order-assist more robust. 303 Attack command disabled for units in Additional Artillery state. 302 Partial fixes to movement tracking for additional movement TCs (AR, CF, IFL & LIS). 301 Apply new Tactician card play UI to Loop-Hole Buildings. 300 Leader must remain attached when Infantry Forward Leader is played. 299 New: Deck positions reorganised to give discard piles more prominence on small screens. 298 Change to default display (for new installs now: icons, no unit or leader labels) 297 Order tracking extended to multi-section checks. 296 Spanish moving ranged malus is now applied to Superb Infantry Training (FAQ update). 294 Tidy up card presentation in hand (svg for text and greying overlays). 293 Fixes for VB targets in scenarios M516, M517, E601, TC01 & MD19. 292 A unit entering a Fieldworks hex across its Fieldworks edge should be marked "stopped". 291 Adjacent impassable terrain now marked "no entry" when entered. 290 Counter-attack was playing flank cards to the centre since a recent beta release. 289 Elan now more reliable in dealing with attached leaders. 288 Terrain & highlight hexes now use svg outline. Highlights snap to grid. 287 S113 Added missing highlight side to a hill hex. 286 GG07 Fleurus: Conscripts description updated in scenario notes. 285 Support for Inspired Infantry Leader Tactician card. 284 Rally dice roll auto-ordering incomplete / incorrect (bug since 5.1beta1). 283 Offline indicator moved to Player's Side highlighting (blue vs online yellow) for greater prominence. 282 Artillery Reposition move post-battle no longer shows spurious No Entry marker. 281 Artillery Reposition not offered for a unit from a combat preceding the one just ended. 280 Scenario GG02: Clarified reinforcement procedure in scenario notes. 279 Hold the Line Leader no longer breaks Battle Back. 278 Take Command should not span through enemy pieces. 276 Take Command correct flank is always used. 275 Ensure Tactician card Default Action only offers correct leaders for selection. 274 No Square now works correctly from Combat dropdown menu. 273 R216: French Line have maximum strength 2 for Rally and Leader Unit Reform. 272 Fix for Take Command early exit. 271 New: Card order is now preserved across Square, Random discard and card flip actions. 270 Invalid combat state should not attempt add to stats (fix for Bad data errors) 269 New: Combat setup confirmation mode and error detail popup. 268 Artillery Reposition should not play where a Tactician card has already been used. 267 Scenario B005: Fortress of Almeida moved to non-standard hint category. 266 Combat setup validation takes Cold Steel, Bayonet Charge & Fire & Hold into account. 265 Improved user commands for squaring & unsquaring along with square card error trap. 264 Pending square action automatically taken even with zero dice (fix gap in #201 and restore #201 after regression in beta7). 262 Hand window zoom scaling revised to be more useful. 261 Observers no longer see each other's Player Aids. 260 Revised Flank handling for Counter Attack Command card. 259 Repaired automatic discard of Counter Attack Command card in Solitaire (bug from #244). 254 Improved Drag & Drop / Point & Click UI for Mother Russia Saber & equivalent Flag results. 253 Artillery Player aids now show columns only within range. Rocket Battery missing value added at Range 5. 246 First Strike should not show playable on passive turn until a melee combat is declared. 209 New: Point & Click feature for Call Forward Reserves. 200 Fixes to Charge if Charged integration within Combat Phase. 157 Changes to side icon & combat assist widget displays to improve response times. Version 5.1.0-beta7 (Module Checksum: 4e6cd524 & 54969566) 236 Withdrawn passive hand switching - not working reliably. Version 5.1.0-beta6 (Module Checksum: 9871fe94) 257 LUR dice tool clears after use (residual from #236). 256 Solitaire automatic hand switching extended to display of passive hand when reaction play is possible (user preference). 252 Improved setup instruction in the new scenario template. 251 Scenario name (setup) leading zero handling improved. 250 Fix Solitaire scout draw (bug from #245). 248 Scenario build mode: board reset should not trigger next turn. Version 5.1.0-beta5 (Module Checksum: 1c2b91c9) 249 Start draw sound restored. 247 Scenario GG00 rebuilt. 245 Click-to-play a card should only place the card on the board, not auto-discard during PBEM. 244 Restore Terrain View feature (Map Tools, F7). Version 5.1.0-beta4 (Module Checksum: ecbffc2c) 243 Tactician Markers applied automatically where only 1 candidate exists (except LUR). 242 Combat Assist side bar should show side flag during a Retire. Hover text distinct from retreat. 241 Retire & Reform hotkey availability aligns to intended use, including PBEM (Offline) mode. 240 Player Aids & card play widgets converted to use Vassal's Invisible trait. 238 Reset functions reviewed & consolidated on F6/Shift+F6, including all card play widgets. 237 Attach to piece Command should not be visible on Tactician Cards. 236 Solitaire should not automatically apply Leader Unit Reform. Version 5.1.0-beta3 (Module Checksum: f044fe06) 235 Provide user setting to toggle clickable unit type between player aid & normal actions. 234 Side heading line restored to Game Stats page. 233 Base Deck Short Supply now re-enables card play if it is drawn back to hand before its action marker is used. 232 Taking back to hand a played Tactician Card will reclaim associated deployment markers from the board (does not apply to automatically deployed cards). 231 Artillery Combat Bonus no longer has potential to lock out future Tactician Card plays. 230 Re-targeting is valid when an existing Square has zero-dice to roll. 228 Counter-attack no longer plays Take Command widget direct to board. 227 Potential Leader orders should not prevent Take Command orders phase completion. 226 Suppress Take Command order warning outside of ordered leader's section. 225 Mother Russia roll gives a specific chat message in the case of full auto-completion. 224 Retire & Reform indicator control fix, preventing a cause of spurious display. 223 Scenario R210 - missing Russian start banner added. 222 Rally order widget graphic update. 221 Elan order widget fixes and graphic update. 220 Garrison integration with v5.1 graphics & UI enhancements. 219 Cavalry Mother Russia token will auto-convert to Cossack even on a lone leader space. 218 Combat Assist now handles Garrison retreat-hits again (bug from 5.1beta1). 217 Leader attachment retained across Paper Strength unit and Garrison placement. Version 5.1.0-beta2 (Module Checksum: 11209a45) 216 Play of Leader Orders a Fallback should negate square option. 214 Re-designed Tactician Card UI where multiple candidates exist & supporting attached leaders. 213 Take Command Order Assist tracked and semi-automated. Section check disable option removed. 212 Russian 4-strength FA ordering issues fixed. 211 Unit player aids adapt to display only on the main board (avoids obscuring by deck). 210 Incorrect banner target in P416 scenario (Laon). 208 Leader may make a valid 4 hex move (e.g. Cavalry Forward) without displaying an error icon. 207 Leader names added to scenario BH09. Target banners fixed in 416. 206 Improved visibility & ordering of attached leaders. Leader name label now more compact, optional and with a mouse-over feature. Full context menu support. 205 Fix for combat setup becoming invalid due to leader re-attachment during combat phase. 204 Leader Unit Reform was not playable in ORDER phase. Generic block on TC play prior to ORDER phase also fixed. 203 Spurious unit info removed from Leader elimination report. 202 Charge if Charged attacker's dice offer was incorrect. 201 A missed Square Action (set aside card) will be corrected when the player (Solitaire or Square side) rolls for the combat. 199 Charge if Charged hits hex now highlighted. 170 Attached leader fixes for saved & refreshed games (startup workaround removed). Version 5.1.0-beta1 (Module Checksum: fdb5223e) - note: list order reversed from this release. 194 Prevent a side's order total (game stats) accumulating twice during turns with no combat. 191 High resolution cards. 189 Optional Point & Click movement mode added (alpha prototype only). 188 GMT standard graphics for leaders & units. Note: Small markers option removed. Leaders stack to rear of unit piece and garrison marker. New tutorial. 187 Scenario A304 - fix to banner count. 186 Guard Horse Artillery configuration correction 185 Game clock working again (from beta8 or earlier had potential to become fixed on Allies side). 184 Dice roll applied correctly (again) if retreat pending at end of first round of melee. 183 Improve consistency of Combat Assist & side-bar controls. 182 Rally was not auto-ordering a rallied unit and might have missed a block. 180 End turn combat trap (ref 135) now includes when First Strike or second round dice are pending. 179 Leader Orders a Fallback only playable in melee. 178 Capable Tactician not allowed during Elan turn (FAQ). 175 Corrected expected hits for Retire & Reform / Fallback. 174 For ease of use, retreat icons on pieces will display context menu rather than applying hits. 173 Unused Paper Strength counters removed from board when cards dealt & improved tip. 172 Scenario 320 - town name no longer overlaps Combat Assist widget. 171 Fix to sabers giving zero hits on leaders. 169 Call Forward Reserves now plays correctly if delayed to immediately following end turn (i.e. before Command card play). 168 Card Manifest fixed for Tactician cards (cardType was masked). 165 Conscript French Infantry now retreat 2 hexes (expansion 6, updated rule). 164 Sappers Tactician card should not over-ride battle-out malus (FAQ). 157 Unit hover-aid converted to explicit (clickable) command, along with new block action button layout, to improve drag and drop performance. 106 Fix for Leader Casualty Check sometimes not displayed. Version 5.0.0-beta9 (Module Checksum: bbb6977f) 135 Prevent end turn when Combat Assist actions are outstanding, except zero dice or optional flags. 136 Dice "hits luck" now tracked and reported in Game Stats (also in a mouse-over of Leader icons on main board). 0% = average luck; -% below par, +% above par. 148 Delete Leader Bonus Orders Tactician card widget after applying it to a piece. 149 Hotkeys provided to mirror Next Location / Apply Tactician card marker commands. 150 Prevent Leader Unit Reform auto-applying when only one unit is a valid target. 152 Combat Assist national flags now shown correctly in re-opened log files in new games. 153 Stop Leader Casualty Check overwriting Battle Back dice count. 154 Combat Assist widget now responds consistently to left-click / F5 for Leader Casualty Checks. 155 Order Assist fix & improvements for Leaders. 156 Battlefield Smoke should apply a Tactician card marker to the unit (FAQ). 157 Hover-aid superseded by hint on a retreating unit. 158 Clear Square option once a combat starts. 159 Clear Target unit's Stand marker when a new Attack is marked. 160 Fix Iron Will token appearing beneath retreat widget (bug from beta7 #089). 161 Workaround for Vassal issue #13315 - active Iron Will status preserved in log file or save game. 162 Square card now always returns when unit eliminated, even by opposing side (bug in v5 card movement controls, manifests in PBEM/Offline mode). Version 5.0.0-beta8 (Module Checksum: 8fcc3de5) 146 Fix Retire & Reform causing infinite loop. 147 Allow Phase 2 (Order/Move) actions until first combat die roll. Version 5.0.0-beta7 (Module Checksum: ed2b97cb) 088 Fix stream setup in scenario A314 (momentum advance allowed). 089 Improve Charge if Charged integration with Combat Assist. Also improve Move Assist for retreats. 127 Paper Strength counter stacking - improve user experience. 132 Choose a Scenario (File menu option) renamed to Scenario Browser. 133 Automate Infantry Inspired Leader. 134 Version checking fails with double-digit Vassal numbers. 137 Hover-aid symbols not initialising. 138 Attached Leader causing orders error alert. 140 Paper strength counters not allowing manual delete. 141 Fix Artillery Reposition showing incorrect move icons. Also non-combat TC validation relaxed for off-turn player prior to new turn's Command card play. 142 Stop offering Square & Retire commands to active side from Combat Assist Side Bar. 143 Off-turn side should not trigger a Soft Reset error message on F5. 144 Add indication for "offline" mode. 145 Sc A316: initial French banners added. Version 5.0.0-beta6 (Module Checksum: 54cab027) 130 End turn button reorg in beta5 caused F12 to be ignored on French side. 131 Hover-aids were automatically switching off at end of turn & F9 toggle-key wouldn't refresh settings from Preferences-Game Options. Version 5.0.0-beta5 (Module Checksum: 788e570c) 104 Fixes to Cavalry Bonus Combat issues. 124 Auto-order Assault was marking some units "No Battle". Leader component of Grande Manoeuvre ordering logic was not checking GM play. 126 Animate card draw (when auto-switching) & card play (Solitaire only). 127 Paper Strength counter stacking. 128 MacOS Cmd+V will reset combat state on selected pieces. 129 Reorganise end turn & card action buttons in the hand windows. Version 5.0.0-beta4 (Module Checksum: 612e130c) 122 Custom Refresh GHK to fix cards already in hand won't play after a Refresh due to change to FromSide in beta3. Temporary fix for beta testing only. 123 Fire & Hold displays orders available when orders have been auto-allocated. Version 5.0.0-beta3 (Module Checksum: d2c044d9) 087 Fix false error icon from Take Command fixed. Also now works for "Any Section" too. Note: Take Command by section validates leader position and total count, only. 099 Leader Unit Reform action was malfunctioning after re-implementation (as Tactician card marker). 100 Offline mode was reset to online when another player joined or re-joined the game. 101 Victory Banner removal message was missing side name. 103 Click-o-Matic works in central area of an underlying, stacked unit or garrison marker. 105 Grande Manoeuvre now marks units "No Battle" for all movement distances. The first order is treated normally, until a second order is issued. 107 Attempt fix to occasional scout draw stacking by checking the number of cards at the exact target location. 108 Manual reclaim of square card during UnSquare action would reset the turn phase, preventing order & combat commands from working. 109 Re-enable hover-aids throughout a turn. Mitigated by disabling hover aid over a marker. 110 Game stats was counting "return melees" the wrong way around. 111 Offline mode initialization is now more robust across side changes. 112 Square battle phase now skipped when battle dice is less than zero. 113 Paper-strength counters weren't working when dragged in a stack to target unit. 114 Cossack once again not subject to Forest terrain dice reduction. 116 Consolidate module constants into Global Translatable Messages (internal maintenance). 117 Square setup not working in scenario B012. 118 Two Order Assist false-alarms fixed. Alert icon modified. 120 Light Infantry Skirmish (Tactician Card) marker was not working. 121 "No Battle" automatic action restored to unit movement assist feature. Version 5.0.0-beta2 (Module Checksum: 6bdfedc5) [fix] Beta releases will respect Welcome Message preference. [ui] Offline player may click to discard own played card. Ref #97. [fix] Github release type tags corrected. Ref #98. [ux] Interim release messaging improved. [ux] Vassal version dependency check added to side selection. [fix] Credits list updated. Version 5.0.0-beta1 (Module Checksum: 13cb62b4) Help features: - New tutorial game, fully annotated. - Links to video tutorials (Youtube). - Updated Reference Manual. - Module Shortcuts player aid updated. Any new Ctrl+ hotkeys are mirrored with a Cmd+ variant, so Mac users can use either. - Module iconography player aid added. - Game stats provided on a Player Aids panel, reportable into chat window for export. - Cossack in-game player aid corrected to show movement into Forest allows battle (source: Official FAQ). - In-game player aids disabled after Command card play. To override, press F9. Scenario configuration: - Scenario setup is configured through Scenario Options (file menu); covering cards, counters and some special rules. - Terrain tile rotation commands optimised. - Legibility of scenario name label improved. - File size mitigation: optimised card and block reporting and removed redundant game counters. On deck choice, remove unused deck(s). Game startup: - New game deck & expansion 5 rules choices may be pre-selected in Preferences. - Smoother startup - observer can select deck and side-randomiser remains available where applicable. - Mother Russia startup integration, including result-specific Paper-Strength counters and an improved Fieldworks widget. Card Play: - Tactician card edge low-lighting extended to provide comprehensive indication of when the cards are eligible to play for their normal action. - Tactician card marker is applied to piece when a Tactician card has been played on it (normally automatic). - Guerrilla Action counter improvements: playable by Solitaire even after card is discarded, opposed games get a reminder widget on the played card, counter plays to card and integrates with End Turn. Order Assist: - Cards play to section where applicable. - Force March Widget to select section. - Auto-ordering (for most cards). - Order count and section tracking (sections aren't tracked for multi-section cards). - Ordered unit highlighting gives a better view of the piece itself. Move Assist: - Movement clears Attack marker when no target is set - Movement "No Battle" and Stop effects displayed on blocks. - Support for cavalry breakthrough. - Infantry Garrison command option integrated with Infantry movement from a building hex. Full-featured Combat Assist integrated with Combat Markers: - A Combat Assist Widget provides status and, optionally, control during the key steps of the combat process. - Battle Dice, Hits & Retreats are automatically calculated. - Hits can be applied & Flags ignored by clicking on icons. - Combat Assist works in parallel to conventional operations. The player use or ignore the feature at their discretion. - Card features such as bonus dice and first strike are fully integrated. - All game rules are supported (Squaring, Retire & Reform, Combined Arms, Grand Battery) - All unit and terrain types are supported, including published Special Scenario Rules covering terrain - Fieldworks are fully supported for melee combat and, with a possible manual adjustment, for ranged. - The player who normally takes an action (such as rolling dice) may click on icons or on the Combat Assist Widget to take that action. - Hotkey F5 provides the same effect as clicking on the Combat Assist widget. Also: Ctrl+C / Cmd+C and Mac keypad "clear" key are synonymous with F5. - Combat Assist side bar provides indicators for pending Side, Command Card bonus, Retire & Reform, Squaring, Iron Will, Fieldworks/Clear status (where needed) & Charge if Charged mode. Also provides "auto chat" feature for agreeing or modifying die rolls. - Leader Casualty Check messaging improved. - Legacy Ctrl+hits hotkeys over-rides Combat Assist. - Decline Battle & Retire & Reform offered from Combat Markers. - Supports combat by off-turn player until active player plays a Command card. End Turn: - Comprehensive, single button end turn. - Simplified player hand toolbar, retaining special rule options. - Card draw buttons include empty deck checks. Scenario updates: - BH01-03, JH01, PD01, PD04, PMxx, WOxx updated per CCN fan-site (TC allowance). - M501 restored auto block removal. - PM01 updated for combat assist. Miscellaneous features: - Player Hand "squaring" button changed to match game icon (significant internal changes for maintainability, using Vassal 3.7 features). - Improved Click-o-Matic - especially for Combined Arms / Grand Battery and supported off-turn combat. - Minor Counter improvements (click for context menu etc). - Improvements to Attached Leader command pass-through. - Army piece command menu simplified. - Optional flag markers will distinguish Russian and Prussian pieces from French. - Victory Banner track & markers improved and cleaned up, removing v3 compatibility.