Grand Fleet Rules Clarifications, Errata, & Updates V1.03-10sep10: 1. There is no specific counter example for minor units and it might be good to have one, but the sole value on a minor unit is its movement value as indicated in rule 7.0. 2. In general definitions in the gun combat section also apply to the mine combat section, but on the Mine Combat Table, the number of hits indicated is the number of damage points taken by the target unit, not the number of dice to be rolled to determine the number of damage points, 3. The BC Australia was intentionally left out of the counter mix, but if you want to add it back in, you need to add a UK 2-2-4 counter arriving on turn 5. 4. The Anti-Shipping VPs that the German player can earn for SS units are at a maximum of 2 per area per turn. 5. In 8.2 the Search value of the example for the German player should be 6, not 5. 6. The recalculation of the values for the screen battle in 8.3 should have given the Brits a 2 and the Germans a 3, not the other way around. Keep assuming the Brits win, though, so the rest of the example flows properly. 7. HMS Triumph is not listed on the left of page 10 (the graphic at the bottom of page 10 correctly shows 8 ships in the battle line, but only 7 are named). 8. The definition in 4.8 is incorrect, while that in 4.6 is correct, and BCs may be placed in the screen. 9. Battle Groups with no units in the battle line section cannot control an area. .